Deck Power Washing
Decks make a fantastic addition to any property. However, they accumulate a lot of organic matter, debris and buildup over time. This is especially true towards the latter half of the winter season and early spring, when it’s time to prepare for warm weather and clean away the ravages of winter. Sadly, deep and stubborn blemishes usually linger and can be unpleasant to look at. Many homeowners do their best with their garden hose, but find to their displeasure that the dirt isn’t going anywhere.
But fortunately, RK Painting’s power washing services are an ideal solution. Our team of expert technicians use industrial grade equipment to deliver the most effective cleaning possible. As a result, they will swiftly eliminate all of the stains and blemishes tainting your deck and restore its original radiance. Ultimately, RK Painting will make your deck the ultimate focal point for backyard barbecues again.

Siding Power Washing
Would you like to make your house look brand-new again? Has it lost curb appeal because of exposure to the elements? Did you know there’s a convenient solution that doesn’t involve replacing your siding entirely? RK Painting and our team of cleaning technicians will blast away the dirt, algae and organic buildup blemishing your house.
Fully licensed and insured, RK Painting restores the original brilliance of homes all over Long Island with a proven combination of ultra-powerful equipment and non-toxic cleaning solutions. No matter how severe the discoloration may be, we’ll assess the damage and come up with a custom cleaning plan to meet your needs. Finally, we’ll annihilate the root cause of the buildup to ensure your house remains radiant for years.

Driveway Power Washing
Many homeowners are simply unaware of the effect a clean, power-washed driveway can have on their curb appeal. Over the years, driveways accumulate dirt and debris, which discolor the pavement entirely. However, RK Painting’s power washing services can eliminate the buildup and totally revive your driveway.
Whether your driveway is concrete, asphalt or masonry stone, our technicians use industry-grade equipment to eliminate any unsightly buildup. As a result, RK Painting restores your driveway’s original surface and gives you a huge boost in your home’s curb appeal.